Dear Mom,
Today is your 87th birthday.
When you turn 87, there aren't a whole lot of birthday presents
You want health and happiness for
Yourself and all of those
You love
The one I bought you a year
A few months ago
all the blossoms
had disappeared
and Dad said, let's
get rid of
that plant it's just three bare sticks.
But no, Mom,
despite your vision issues,
you saw something
tiny and green budding there
on one of those bare branches
something wonderful
four or five new pink blossoms appeared!
So eager you were to visit
the sun room
each morning
each week, on Tuesday,
you put two ice cubes in the pot
not a drop more water.
You were just adorable
caring for your orchid.
So today, your day, it
wasn't difficult to know
what to buy you
I ought to get my mother
another orchid I said
I did.
We Love You So Much,
Today is your 87th birthday.
When you turn 87, there aren't a whole lot of birthday presents
You want health and happiness for
Yourself and all of those
You love
The one I bought you a year
A few months ago
all the blossoms
had disappeared
and Dad said, let's
get rid of
that plant it's just three bare sticks.
But no, Mom,
despite your vision issues,
you saw something
tiny and green budding there
on one of those bare branches
something wonderful
four or five new pink blossoms appeared!
So eager you were to visit
the sun room
each morning
each week, on Tuesday,
you put two ice cubes in the pot
not a drop more water.
You were just adorable
caring for your orchid.
So today, your day, it
wasn't difficult to know
what to buy you
I ought to get my mother
another orchid I said
I did.
We Love You So Much,