Monday, August 31, 2015

Queen of Shadows Release Day

I am so excited that QUEEN OF SHADOWS by Sarah J. Maas releases today and that I get to share the news, along with an awesome giveaway!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful series by Sarah J. Maas, be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a set of the first 3 books in the series (in paperback format). US only. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

About The book:

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Pub. Date: September 1, 2015
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
Pages: 656

Sarah J. Maas's New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series reaches new heights in this sweeping fourth volume.

Everyone Celaena Sardothien loves has been taken from her. But she's at last returned to the empire—for vengeance, to rescue her once-glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past . . .

She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die just to see her again. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queen's triumphant return.

Celaena’s epic journey has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions across the globe. This fourth volume will hold readers rapt as Celaena’s story builds to a passionate, agonizing crescendo that might just shatter her world.

Read Chapters 1-5 of QUEEN OF SHADOWS HERE!

Sarah J. Maas is the author of the New York Times, USA Today, and internationally bestselling Throne of Glass series–Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, and Heir of Fire, and the series’ prequel, The Assassin’s Blade–as well as the New York Times and USA Today bestselling A Court of Thorns and Roses. She wrote the first incarnation of the Throne of Glass series when she was just sixteen, and it has now sold in twenty-three languages. Queen of Shadows, the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series, will release worldwide on September 1st, 2015.
A New York native, Sarah currently lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and dog. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hamilton College in 2008 with a degree in Creative Writing and a minor in Religious Studies. 

Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Pinterest | Instagram| Goodreads

Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive the first 3 books (in paperback) in the THRONE OF GLASS Series. US Only.
Ends on September 11th at Midnight EST!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy reading!


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Showcase Sunday #87

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme held by Books, Biscuits and Tea. It allows fellow bloggers to show off any books or bookish things they've compiled over the week.

Hey, friends. How goes it? Can you believe this is it for August? Crazy. But now we're coming up on the busiest time of year for the publishing industry. Which makes me my favourite time of year. And probably when I'm at my poorest.
I've been seeing the Fever Series around quite a bit lately so I decided to pick up the first five books. My plan is to binge it well I'm away next month. Will make for great airplane reading. I saw The Copper Gauntlet out almost two weeks early, so of course I grabbed it. I thoroughly enjoyed the first book. And my plan was to read it right away but turns out I don't think I remember enough of the first book. So I gotta do a quick re-read as soon as I gots the time. Sustained was most excellent. My favourite Chase book to date. 


Fever Series Books 1-5 by Karen Marie Moning

Sustained(The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase
The Copper Gauntlet(Magisterium #2) by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare


Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley
**Thanks so much to HCC Frenzy for sending this on**

E-Books Purchased

Kindle Freebie


What did you guys get this week?

Happy reading!


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up August 22nd-28th

This week I managed to finish seven books. Three physical books(one being an ARC). Four e-books(one an e-ARC and three borrowed from my library). One being a novella. And one being a re-read. 

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith ****.5
Review will be up next week.

Heir of Fire(Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. Maas *****(re-read)
Queen of Shadows will be here in three days. I AM NOT READY!

Holding Strong(Ultimate #2) by Lori Foster ***
Review up next week.

Tough Love(Ultimate #3) by Lori Foster ***.5
Review up next week.

Happy Again(This is What Happy Looks Like #1.5) by Jennifer E. Smith ****
I always enjoy Smith's books. And I'm always happy to see where characters are after the finish of a book. This is What Looks Like left some stuff up in the air, so Happy Again give readers some closure. As well as the characters. It's super cute and I'm glad Smith decided to give readers more.

Humans: An A-Z by Matt Haig ****
The Humans is one of my favourite books. And this is kind of a companion to it. It's a guide for aliens coming to Earth. In true Haig fashion, it's hilarious and clever well not so subtly pointing out how off kilter our(humans) priorities are. I can't wait to buy myself a copy so I can mark my favourite definitions.

Sustained(The Legal Briefs #2) by Emma Chase ****.5
This is by far one of the funniest books I've read. And that's saying something. Chase is really good at writing a hilarious romcom with a sexy jerky male lead. Jake and Chelsea are great together. And I loved the kids so much. They are the most funny part of the book. A bunch of smartasses. Such a fun read. Which was no surprise because all of Chase's books are.

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What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Book Series I Wish Had More Books

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme started by Lainey at Ginger Reads Lainey. Find the list of all the #T5WFamily here.

This weeks topic is: Book series I wish had more books.

How am I supposed to narrow this down to five? All of my favourite series could carry on longer and I'd be on top of the world. And sometimes that does happen. Look at Maria V Snyder's Study Series; ended years ago. Or readers thought it did. The fourth book was released earlier this year and there's still two more to come. So turns out readers can wish and keep their hopes up because it can happen. The five books I'm mentioning this week are books where the endings were good but left just open enough that there's that possibility that the series will continue. So these are more on the realistic side of my wishing.

5. Shatter Me

I hated the first half of this series. For quite a few reasons. But Ignite Me was wonderful. And I feel like that's where the story was really hitting it's stride. Juliette was finally strong and coming into her own personality. So although the ending was satisfying, I felt like everything was finally starting. And I would love to see the story continue.

4. Fire & Flood
Here's the thing. Scott's publisher only bought a two book deal with Fire & Flood. So going into Salt & Storm I was expecting an ending. Sure there was one, but not a good enough of one. Pretty much everything was still left up in the air. Scott has said she has a third book planned, but it will depend on if her publisher picks it up. Like why would you do that? I understand she's planned it out and it doesn't fit into two books. But that's all you had; two books to tell the story. There wasn't and still isn't a guarantee of that third book. And I NEED that third book.

3. The Body Finder
The Body Finder series is so underrated. It's a unique and creepy YA thriller series. With a really good romance. A fifth book would be really appreciated from me. The fourth book brought up some answers that lead to more questions. Questions that should be answered because I say so.

2. The Ascendance Trilogy
I would absolutely loved to see this world and characters revisited as an adult fantasy series. The things that certain characters could conquer and achieve in the future on the kingdom. I'm trying not to say anything because of spoilers but pretty much I just want to see the story continue ten years after the ending of the trilogy.

1. Elemental Series

Oh man. It's no secret that this is one of my absolute favourite series. And that ending was a killer. Sooo much more needs to happen and be explored. What's encouraging is that Kemmerer has said she intends to revisit The Merrick Brothers down the road. I stalk her everywhere and she has asked readers to weigh in what time period they would want to see a potential next book in. ie: YA, NA, etc... I of course want it to be NA. These books are hot but just imagine them as NA. *fans self*

What series would you love to continue?

Happy reading!


Monday, August 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: If I Taught LGBTQIA Lit 101

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme held by The Broke and the Bookish.

This weeks topic is: Top ten books that would be on my syllabus if I taught X 101.

This year more than the previous I have been consciously making decisions to read more diversely. And that includes reading literature that includes LGBTQIA characters. I love how in the publishing industry, more specifically in YA, it is becoming more predominant to find books being released with these characters. I think shows a big step.
The books I've chosen are all very different in story. But I absolutely love them all. To prevent spoilers I won't be getting into details.

10. Study Series

There is a inter sex character and the situation surrounding them is quite fascinating and a big part in Yelena's journey.

9. Grisha Trilogy and Six of Crows

Leigh Bardugo is so natural about including gay couples and relationships in her books.

8. Covenant Series
A very wonderful gay couple. I love them so much.

7. Addicted/Calloway Sisters Series
A later book, Fuel the Fire, takes a more important look at loving and how it doesn't matter if it's between the different sexes or same sex. It's the same love.

6. Outlander Series
Black Jack might perhaps be one of the most horrendous men I've come across. But he's not the only gay man in the Outlander books. 

5. Black Iris
This is a very dark book. And Raeder gives readers some very messed up relationships with a Bi MC.

4. Something Real
is one of my favourite characters. And his relationship takes some outside hits. But in the end is so strong.

3. Elemental Series
surprised readers when a character lets go of their secret in a later book. And how that character struggles and deals is so realistic.

2. Carry the Ocean
For the last few weeks I've gushed and gushed about Carry the Ocean. So of course I would include it in my syllabus. It would probably be the first book to be included.

1. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Simon is and will be my favourite book of 2015. Positive, adorable, heartwarming. Absolutely a feel good kind of book.

Any books you would include in my syllabus?

Happy reading!


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up August 15th-21st

Only finished three books this week. Funnily enough they were all re-reads. I started my yearly re-read of the Throne of Glass books in preparation for the new release.

Throne of Glass(Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J Maas *****
This was my fourth read and I think I love it more every time.

On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves ***
I just had this sudden urge to reread this book. It's a well loved book, and when I read it a few years ago I thought it was alright. So I thought maybe as my tastes I've evolved and changed so would my enjoyment of this book. Well, no, not really. I think I liked the story a bit more this time around. And there's no getting around that this a very readable book. The time line is so quick that there's no way you can't read it in one sitting. I was stupid enough to start it at about midnight, so you know it was a late night. Unfortunately everything else is not all that special. Like I said I like the story. But I find both the main characters and writing are lacking. Especially the dialogue. There is no character to it. It's very straight forward. Which makes for boring writing. The time line is fine. I like how it jumps through their time on the island and doesn't drag through endless unimportant days. And even though the time line is quick, their romantic relationship is not. Mostly because of the age business. It does take time to develop and is realistic. I just wish the MCs and writing had more personality.

Crown of Midnight(Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J Maas *****
Still remains my favourite book in the series thus far. The Chaolaena feels are so real. Chaol is life.

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What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!


Friday, August 21, 2015

Miniviews #27: More Than Fashion & No Limits

More Than Fashion by Elizabeth Briggs
Publisher: Elizabeth Briggs Books
Publication Date: July 28th, 2015
Pages: 223
Series: Chasing the Dream #3
Source: Netgalley/Publisher
Rating: 4/5
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Surprisingly More Than Fashion is now my favourite from the series. I don't say that because I wasn't expecting to like Julie's story. It's because I'm not into the fashion, designer stuff nor reality TV. Since More Than Fashion is centered around a reality show for designers I thought it might take away from my enjoyment of the story. But nope I was so invested in the competition. Totally right up in there. At points I forgot it was a book and I wasn't actually binge watching the actual show on TV. Behind the Seams has all the types of characters, arguments, romances and just good ol' reality TV fun we watch this kind of show for. And it was done all through text. For me to get caught up in this fictional(I realize that's an oxy moron as 98% of reality TV is partly fictionalized) show through a book is pretty cool. It seems, again, that books can achieve anything.
So Julie was a sassy, fierce little thing. Right off she shows you who she is by taking a racist guy to the cleaners. He sits down at the bar and his pick up line includes calling her Kitty because she's Asian. Yea, far from alright. But how Julie just straight up called him out on it made me love her right away. I just knew she was going to be my kid of women. Being the youngest contestant on the show Julie found herself having something to prove to almost everyone; herself, her parents, the other contestants. Julie was a little hesitant but believing she could make it till the end. I liked that she had some doubts though, it made her relatable. Julie still went in hard with a plan. Just some distraction in the form of a hot Brit might have derailed Julie at some points.
Julies meeting with Gavin was fun. At a bar, Julie wanting a one nighter(high-five for sex positive book) before starting the show. Her being drunk stops them from going all the way. But hey she'll never see him again. Ummm... Not true. Gavin turns out to be another contestant on the show. Oops. Gavin was a all around gentleman. He's the nice guy that everyone just likes. Gavin is considerate but also competitive. He's there to win too. The sexual tension was seeping off the pages when Julie and Gavin were together. It was one of those try to fight it with a bit of arguing but they're mouths always seemed to find each other. It was great fun. Especially with the grade A banter. Fantastic sexual tension, chemistry and banter what more do I need in a romance? I enjoyed their relationship progression immensely. Being competitors on the show really added a more fun and amusing element to their relationship dynamic.
The diverse supporting cast was an added bonus. There was just as much fun banter between Julie and her friends(Trina and Dawn for the win). Or snappy comebacks from Julie when the villains(there's always those horrible drama queen types) of the show got in her way. Just a really fun new adult romance. I gotta say it again, I really loved Julie. Her personality was spot on for being the lead of this story. If I caught myself actually watching a show like this on TV, she'd be exactly who'd I'd be gunning to win.

No Limits by Lori Foster
Publisher: Harlequin
Publication Date: August 26th, 2014
Pages: 432
Series: Ultimate #1
Source: Borrowed from library
Rating: 2.5/5
This is a well loved series among a lot of my romance friends. So I figured it was about time I checked out what all the fuss was about. Especially since a sport is the back drop to the romance. And although I strongly dislike MMA, put it in a romance and I'm it's biggest fan. Unfortunately No Limits was lacking in the sports department. Cannon is on a high from just winning a big fight, but the MMA takes a way way back seat in this book. The lack luster romance did not make up for that missing plot point for me. I will say that No Limits is very readable. In fact for a decent size book it took me no time to get through it. But the speed at which I read it didn't take away from the fact that everything about No Limits was mediocre at best. The second half being quite a bit stronger than the first half as well.
Yvette was way to silly and submissive. The story tries to hard to make her seem like such an independent lady but in the end she needs a man to save her and only with him can she realize that she is a capable women. I realize Cannon saved her from a disturbing situation(which I still don't understand it and from what I'm gathering is so effing far fetched), but come on, you don't need no man to pick up your pieces and make you whole again.
Cannon was made to come off as a caring and nice man. And he is at times. But a lot of things he says brings out the oh no finger. Like with Yvette. They left each other with no closure, so for three years Cannon was in a foreplay limbo. He sees Yvette again and immediately thinks we will have sex. No hey how are you. Nope just how she got even hotter and he needs to do her. That is his main frame of thought for half the book until all the sudden he's decided he loves her and they will be together forever. What? Their was very little relationship development. It was a lot of Cannon forcing Yvette to be okay with him constantly kissing her even when she's like we shouldn't. That's pretty much a no and raising some flags in my head. But we're supposed to see it as Cannon wearing her walls down. No, not sexy just to forceful.
Yvette is one of the tropes I am so far over. The girl who doesn't realize how beautiful she is. She puts no thought into her appearance; which is fine except here. Enter the romantic interest who is constantly jealous over all the attention this girl attracts. But she's so unaware of it. God, it's the worst trope. And than it tends to make the love interest bring out his inner caveman. Again, something that is so far from sexy. The whole trope and play on it is so overdone and annoying.
I did really enjoy the relationship between Cannon and his gym buddies. It was pretty good banter and teasing. Definitely the strongest part of the book for me. And one of the reasons I am going to continue on with this companion series. I have hopes that I might like the other characters and romance better than Cannon and Yvette.

Happy reading!


Thursday, August 20, 2015

How Dumb Can the Republicans Get? When it Comes to Health Care, INCREDIBLY DUMB!

By Richard Kirsch

Every time Republican candidates for president put forth their Obamacare repeal and replace plans, it's like money in the bank for Democratic political ad makers. In their desperate need to appeal to Republican primary voters, candidates are giving Democrats the same kind of health care hammer that allowed Barack Obama to pummel John McCain into the ground in 2008. 
This week Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker came out with a somewhat detailed repeal and replace plan, while Florida Senator Marco Rubio outlined a very similar piece in a Politico column. These plans follow the standard playbook of Republican proposals to reform health coverage, one that Republicans in Congress never actually move forward because they understand the political dynamite they would ignite. 
The following are accurate claims that Democrats can make about the Walker plan. Most also appear to also apply to Rubio's, although his is such a sketchy description it's hard to be certain about all of them. 
The Walker and Rubio plans would return to the days when insurance companies could deny coverage or charge higher premiums because of a pre-existing condition, charge women more for health insurance than men, and stop paying claims when people have high-cost illnesses. 
The Walker and Rubio plan would slash the tax credits that allow families to afford health coverage, driving millions of people back into the ranks of the uninsured. It would replace a tax credit based on person's income with a fixed amount, so that a millionaire would get the same tax credit as a working person who makes $25,000 a year.
The Walker and Rubio plan would force 8 million people off Medicaid immediatelyand then make enormous cuts in Medicaid coverage for families, children, seniors and people with disabilities, hundreds of billions of dollars over the next ten years. 
The Walker and Rubio plans would take away health coverage from 3 million young adults who are now on their parents' plans. 
The Walker and Rubio plans would make millions of seniors pay more for prescription drugs and visits to the doctor for check-ups. And the Rubio plan would replace today's Medicare with vouchers to buy private insurance. 
And here's the kicker that killed McCain: The Walker plan (and it appears the Rubio plan, but it's not clear) would tax health benefits that people get at work. 
If each of these statements sound like political poison, they are. For years, opinion polling have found that almost all of the core parts of the Affordable Care Act are politically popular, including with Republicans. In fact, the whole notion of repeal and replace is out of favor with the public. In June, Kaiser found that 27 percent wanted to repeal the law and another 12 percent were for scaling it back, for a total of 39 percent in the repeal and replace category. But 47 percent wanted to either keep it as is (22 percent) or expand it (25 percent). A Bloomberg poll taken in April found that 73 percent wanted to keep the law or include small modifications, while only 35 percent wanted to repeal it. 
The relentless Republican campaign to demonize the Affordable Care Act has put their candidates in a political bind, with no escape hatch. With so many people now benefitting from the ACA, Republicans candidates are forced to propose a replacement plan. But it's literally impossible to propose a conservative plan that meets people's needs and therefore is politically palatable. Remember, the ACA itself was a huge compromise with traditional conservative ideas and liberal proposals. 
All of which brings us back to the unfolding presidential debate and what the Obama campaign did to John McCain, when he proposed taxing employer health benefits. As Politico reported just before the 2008 election, "Democrat Barack Obama has spent $113 million in health care television advertising so far this year, eight times that of Republican rival John McCain - and investment that polls show are paying big dividends as the election enters its closing weeks." 
A typical Obama had ended with the line, "John McCain, instead of fixing health care, he wants to tax it." Another ad showed a clip from a debate between Vice-Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Sarah Palin in which Biden quipped, "Taxing your benefits. I call that the ultimate bridge to nowhere." 
We'll be seeing the same kind of ads in the fall of 2016 from Hillary Clinton or whoever the Democratic candidate is, pounding her Republican opponents on health care. And just as Obama raced to reelection standing up against Mitt Romney's pledge to repeal Obamacare, the third Republican presidential candidate in a row will lose in no small part because they don't get that Americans understand in a very personal way what access to affordable health coverage means for their families.
This piece ran first in the Huffington Post. Richard Kirsch is a Senior Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute in New York City. As Director of Health Care for America Now, he led a broad coalition of progressive organizations that were instrumental in fighting for passage of the Affordable Care Act, signed into law in 2010.

Brittany Recommends: New Adult

I'm pretty sure if you look at my past two years of reading, you will notice an influx of new adult books taking over my reading. New adult is a relatively new genre. For those that don't know it is
generally set through the MC's college years. Or more specifically covers the age range of about 18 to 25. I know there's still a lot of hater or readers unsure about this new genre. They think the books are all about the sex. Now that may be the case with some of them. But for the most part this genre covers more mature topics, sex included, than YA does. The characters are older, a lot of them they are in college, so they are exhibiting the type of behaviour college age people do. There are sub-genres within new adult; contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, etc... Contemporary is where you will find a lot of the books. It's actually quite hard to find a lot of books outside contemporary. But the other genres are growing as new adult becomes more popular. The one thing all the books will have in common is romance. New adult is a romance centric genre. The main focus will be the romance and the character growth. Based on the age of the characters in the books it is the time when they are generally learning who they really are as a person and that includes what they're looking for in a partner and in love.

There is quite a few reasons why I've connected and thus been drawn into these books more and more over the past few years even though I am older than the characters. Mostly because they are easy to connect to because I feel like I'm still figuring my life out. As well as I'm loving the romance, the swoon, the sexy times, those three have pulled me in so so much. Plus the books tend to be very readable. Most of the ones I've read have been in one sitting. It's easy to find a light, fun read, or a heavier darker one. I really feel like new adult has a lot to offer romance readers out there. And with the amount of YA authors dipping their writing chops into the genre these days I'd say a lot of readers are feeling the same way as me. It's a genre that is growing and expanding rapidly.

I'm not a new adult expert, but the past two years I've read a lot(A LOT) more new adult books than any other genre. In fact of the 175 books I've read so far this year about 60(ish)% of the books have been new adult. It's where my tastes have fallen. It's why I want to recommend some of my favourite books. Of course I read and love the more popular new adult authors(I'll leave them for another post), they deserve the love their books get for a reason. But in this post I want to recommend some more indie titles; ones I absolutely love and feel like they deserve a much bigger readership. These are the books I recommend(push) on all my romance lover friends. So without further ado.

Leisa Rayven's Bad Romeo was a cover buy for me. Was browsing and the beautiful(and lack of kissing couple) cover made me buy it. Thank God the story was just as wonderful. Cassie and  Ethan's romance is super complex. Super hot. But complex. Bad Romeo has fantastic character growth. Very character driven story. Characters that are flawed. There's dual story line with the past and present, which is done so well. The sequel Broken Juliet was a perfect wrap-up, This duology is the one I am making people read.

Sister's Becca and Krista Ritchie really hit the nail on the head when they named their books. The Addicted series is truly addicting. Earlier this year I read Addicted to You and found something really unique. Not only is the subject matter is something I've never come across, the characters were everything. Complex and dynamic. I had every kind of feeling you could have well reading a book. Luckily upon finishing I had a few days off in order to binge the following seven books. So that's what I did; read all(currently released) eight books in less than four days. 

Having just read Carry the Ocean a few weeks ago, I'm still not over it. I've never read something so diverse and ultimately uplifting. Heidi Cullinan is not only telling a gay romantic story, she is giving a very positive and honest story on autism and mental illness. It was a very heart warming and insightful read and I can't wait to back and tab the hell out of it.

The Sea of Tranquility is one of the first NA books I read and after all this time still remains one of my favourite. The story has a much darker undertone which goes along with both of the MC's pasts. The romance is more on the slow burning side. The writing is beautiful. The story is beautiful. I honestly can't believe I've yet to reread it.

The Gaming the System series, starting with At Any Price was a Kindle freebie find. Which after reading it realized how lucky I was to come across it because I freakin' love Mia and Adam together. Or apart. Or fooling around. I just wanted to reach into the book and smash their faces together. I love me a good nerdy couple. And the sexual tension was just melting off the page. The change in tone from book one to three is heavy. But makes for a really solid story.

Helena Hunting is my girl. I love that I can support a local author honestly. I've read all her books and can say I've loved them, a lot. The Clipped Wings duology may have the basics to sound like 90% of the romance books out there but at its core is totally unique. The MC's both have pasts they're trying to make it out of, and I have to say, when done right, that can be one of my favourite tropes. Plus I'm really really into the inked up "bad boy". For a major change in tone, Hunting also gives us Pucked. A totally sexy romcom featuring professional hockey players. So much LOLíng.

When searching for military romances I came across Come Back to Me. Talk about emotional and suspenseful. I was fully invested in Jessa's life by the end of page one. The falling for the brothers best friend is another trope I'm addicted to. Mila Gray gave me that and so much more. But more importantly she gave me This is One Moment, the sequel. The setting of the army hospital is at points tough to read. But something that pulled me in. But the romance. Ah the angst and swoon and everything. Just on point. 

If you're looking for something fun and more light hearted, Zoraida Cordova did that really well with her On the Verge books. Luck on the Line was a Netgalley click(we know how those turn out more often than not) that turned out very well. The MC is super sassy and take charge. The love interest is smokin' hot chef; which who knew I'd find a chef so swoony. The story is fast paced and flowed really easily. The sequel; Love on the Ledge is just as fun. Changes the setting to The Hamptons where we get to be in the middle of a big Latino family event. Throw in a blue collar, always shirtless, unintentional romantic love interest who gets the MC's head spinning and I was instantly sold.

Who doesn't want a hot cowboy? Everyone does. Obviously. Lost & Found was a book I'd had sitting on my Kindle for forever. Until earlier this year when Samantha read it and than told me to get on it. So I did. And what the eff was I doing sitting on this wondrous book for so long unread? The angst is real. The hot cowboy is always in tight clothes. The sexual tension drips off the page. I mean it's all the good stuff. And it's spread out into five books. Three from one couple and two with another. All fantastic. I love both couples equally. The story is not heavy on the sex. The romance is there. Like so there. But I think this series is a great starting point for someone looking to get into NA. You'd start the genre on a very high note.

Well I hope that gives you guys some new reads to pick up. I, of course, highly recommend all mentioned. For more of my thoughts check out my reviews or hit me up. I am 100% down with chatting about or recommending more new adult books. 

Happy reading!
