Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Mental Health

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme started by Lainey at Ginger Reads Lainey. Find the list of all the #T5WFamily here.

This weeks topic is: Top 5 books that deal with mental health/illness.

I think that last year or so has really shown how far the publishing industry is advancing. We're seeing more and more diverse books, especially in YA. And the includes books the deal with very real and very tough subjects like mental health. I have found myself looking for those books as I want to get a better understanding and become more knowledgeable. I feel very ignorant when it comes to mental health as it has never touched my life in any way. So as they say, knowledge is power and what better way than through books. Even fictionalized books. Because I know a lot of these authors are writing a story based on their personal life.

5. All Bright Places

What I think All the Bright Places shows is just how scared we, as a society, are about recognizing the signs of someone needing help. There's a stigma surrounding anything to do with mental health and illness and All the Bright Places demonstrates that with parents who just don't want to have a "sick" son. So we best put it off as his quirkiness. It's really sad. But this book is brilliant.

4. The Last Time We Say Goodbye

The Last Time We Say Goodbye hits its readers right where it counts. I think Hand did a superb job of realistically portraying Lex's struggles with her brothers suicide. As well as the effects of Tyler's(Lex's brothers) depression and possibly misdiagnosed mental illness.

3. I'll Meet You There/Come Back to Me/This is One Moment

All three books deal with PTSD. Which I know has always been in our history but is only something that is more recently being taken seriously. As it should. In all three books PTSD is shown through veterans. I can't even being to imagine how to cope and overcome what the three fellas say well over seas. These books are emotional, truthful and fantastic reads. 

2. Carry the Ocean

You guys, I get another chance to mention(push) this wonderful book. Like I've said and will keep saying Carry the Ocean is such a positive book. Although it has a character learning to live with depression and anxiety and another with autism, there was every change for this book to be heart breaking. And it really wasn't. There plenty of emotional pages. But in the end it warmed my heart.  

1. Challenger Deep

I can't imagine a fiction book getting more personal then Challenger DeepShusterman provided a very real look at mental illness through Caden. I took something away from Challenger Deep. Learned something powerful. Caden was a great voice to help me empathize and realize just how encompassing the mind can be, even when we know somethings off.  I was able to see how someone like, Caden starts to spiral downward. How his mind is blurring the lines between reality and make believe. This is a hard book to read, but very powerful and one that should be read. Challenger Deep is very unique and vivid in the narrative. Very clever. It is also one I recommend constantly. It is a book that should be read.

Any books you would recommend me on mental health?

Happy reading!


