Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 Favourites Part 1

Like last year, I am going to do quarterly wrap-up's. It's a lot easier for me to do this since I read a lot. And I really want to be able to mention all my favourite books throughout the year. Which I can't really do with a best of list at the end of the year. Well not well enough anyhow.

This is wrapping up January 1st through March 31st.
Some stats:
Read: 65
Re-reads: 14
Genre most read: New Adult(not even close to being surprising)

So yes, good amount of reading being done. Really good books too. A good portion of the books I've read this year have been a 4 star or higher. And re-reads too. I am most certainly in a re-reading mood. Always love going back to my favourites. Especially my romance baes.

Let's get to it, not including re-reads, here are my most favourite reads from the first quarter of 2016.

Oh my God, Zeb you delicious man. My love for Built isn't just because of Zeb(though a lot is). I also really connected with Sayer, as we are both cold hearted. Zeb and Sayer are super hot and great together. But the surprise element that was added into Zeb's life, which also meant Sayer's really made this book beautiful and darling. 

We Are the Ants is phenomenal in that it is essentially a potent yet subtle look at mental illness. It was poignant and smart; the aliens abducting Henry not only made him look at the world and consequences but also me as a reader was left with questioning society's worth too. All the characters are complex and the book is ripe with emotions. 

I've read enough of Moyes books to expect the emotions but man this one can give Me Before You a shove. I sobbed like crazy person during Me Before You but this one was like every freakin' chapter. Such a beautiful heart wrenching story. Moyes can weave together different time lines and lives like no other. Wonderful.

Dean was totally everything I expected him to be with a bit more of special. He's that straight up gorgeous guy who loves the ladies. But he was never an ass about it. He likes sex. I thought he was great. Allie also now one of my favourite ladies. She carried herself really confidently. She was also firm but never rude when it came to arguments or discussions. I did not expect the story to take such a heart breaking turn. But it did, and in the end it really added some hardcore emotions and real life like moments to their relationship.

The Wedding made my little heart so happy. This whole book just made me happy. Just getting to re-visit this series in any way is something I love. But the Thorne novella? Aces, how can I marry the guy?

If you were even under the impression that a children's graphic novel about a dog and robot could be anything but emotional, you'd be wrong.

Is it every really a favourites list without JLA? Of course I loved this. It's Sethie. He's in more a spot than he was in the first book and I just want to pull him from the pages we reassure him that Josie has his back; so don't fuck it up. 

It's more Will and Hanna. Obviously I adore this. I would read 20 more books of them just doing mundane everyday life well being their amazing selves. Seriously I would eat that up. One of my top OTP's. And Will Sumner is life.

Oh man, I was not prepared for the feels The Play brought. The first half of the book was great, but that second half, shit got real. I love Kayla and Lachlan. Super hot attraction between them. But Lachlan was my real love of the story; this dark, quiet beast of a man who turned out to be a sweetheart with a lot of demons. My heart, man it just wanted to hug him. And his love for dogs, hits me right in the ovaries.

Now, Wes and Jamie really are my everything. It was no surprise that I devoured Us upon it's release. Which than lead to me reading it two or three more days in the days to follow. You will see this book in my top 16 of 2016. No doubts there.

You guys you know my extreme love for Bad Romeo and Broken Juliet, well add Wicked Heart right in there. It's perfection. The tension between Lissa and Liam just drips off the page. It's hot. And the banter guys, soooo good. I want me a Liam as BF and a Lissa as a BFF. Gimmie!

It is the best feeling to find a new NA book to obsess over. Especially from an author that's new to me. And obsessed doesn't even begin to cover it. The story is on point. The writing most excellent. And the characters fantabulous. Nora is so freakin' relatable. And Crosbie is just YES. New book boyfriend, so back off you fiends. I saw him first. Mine.

Yes, I realize I need to really get some more variety in my life. But really NA/romance is where I am at. I adore it. So back off. I'd like to say expect a bit more genre diversity in the next quarter but well that would probably be a massive lie. #noregrets

What's been your favourite book this year?

Happy reading!

