Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weekly Wrap-Up November 7th-13th

This week I managed to finish five books. Three physical book and two audio books. Three of the books were re-reads.

Cinder(The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer *****(re-read)
I am so glad to re-read the series in preparation for Winter.

All That Glitters(Geek Girl #4) by Holly Smale ****.5
Although Nick was missed in this chapter, this was my favourite from the series; so far. Harriet is still naive but I guess I'd chalk that up to her always seeing the best in people. That being said, Harriet did a ton of growing in this book. She's still quirky and geeky but also turning into a young women. And I cannot wait to see where her antics and modeling go from here.

Scarlet(The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer *****(re-read)
The series was even better the second time around. Which I didn't know was possible.

Cress(The Lunar Chronicles #3) by Marissa Meyer *****(re-read)
Sign. I love Throne and Cress so much.

Winter(The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer *****
I don't want to say much, as you know even something small could be considered a spoiler. But I'm pretty certain I've never felt this happy and complete upon finishing a series. Definitely one of my favourite series' I've had the pleasure to read and fangirl over. Just like no book is better than the other(they are all perfection), it has hard to pick a favourite character from the very brilliant cast of them. I love Throne. I love Scarlet. I love Iko. I can't express how much I love them all. And the ships! My heart cannot contain the pure shippy goodness this series brings. I love all the humour and the subtle references to the fairy tales these books are based off of. This series just makes me very happy. I know it will be one I re-read every year with the small hope that Meyer will re-visit these characters somewhere down the road.

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What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!

