Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Up May 14th-20th

This week I managed to read four books. All physical books; two ARC's, one them a re-read.

The Hidden Oracle(The Trials of Apollo #1) by Rick Riordan ***
My excitement levels for this book were extreme, manly because of more Percy. And I will always read anything Riordan writes. I also liked that this was going to be a sort of continuation on after the events of the HoO series. Unfortunately Apollo was just missing something. I felt myself dragging through the book. I had to make myself read and that's never happened with a Riordan book. I always fly through them. Maybe it was a bit to do with my mood. Honestly, I just don't think Apollo reached his full potential. He's freakin' worse than Jason with all his fainting. And I know, he's dealing with being in a mortal body, but still, I don't need no repeats of Jason Grace and uselessness. Apollo had his moments, I laughed and rolled my eyes at his extreme narcissism and his stories. Being back at Camp Half-Blood was much needed. Seeing the campers and old faces(NICO!). Those bits were my favourite, especially Percy's. Obvs. Meg's role I found to be quite obvious, not necessarily as a whole, just that I figured out I knew her purpose. And I was right. I still enjoyed her uniqueness though. Based on where the book left off and who'll be joining Apollo on his next quest(minus the fact that it's heading towards a character that I despise), I have some hope that I'll like the second book a lot more.

Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins ***
Find the review here.

The Way Back to You by Michelle Andreani & Mindi Scott ****.5
I picked this up for two reasons; road trip and it reminded me a bit of Things We Know by Heart(which I LOVE). I'm so glad I did. This book was soooo good. Cloudy and Kyle haven't been able to accept the sudden death of Ashlyn, even a year on they're not sure to how to go on without forgetting her. The Way Back to You touches on romance but really it's a look at how we all deal with grief differently and what it takes to accept that grief is going to be part of day to day life but you can still be happy without your best friend. The Way Back to You is just a great adventure about two lost friends healing their hearts together. 

Wicked Heart(Starcrossed #3) by Leisa Rayven *****(re-read)
So since I failed to write my review when I first read my ARC, I figured it doesn't hurt to give myself a refresher so I can finally write that review. Obviously I forced myself to do this... Oh and reviewing coming next week.

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What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!

