Thursday, July 7, 2016

Mid-Year Book Freak Out TAG

Full credit to A Book So Fathomless for coming up with these questions. Find their post here.

I did this TAG/post last year and thought it was a good one. Since we're in July now(ahhhhhh!), I thought it would be fun to do it again. With different books, obviously.

1. Best book you've read so far in 2016?
There's no thought process here. I've pretty much thought of nothing but this book for the past two months. Are you going to be surprised? Do you know me at all? A Court of Mist and Fury will not only be my favourite book of 2016, but it easily became an all time favourite.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2016?
I gotta go with two here; US because it is everything and I literally re-read it every week. And Gemina because it's intense and insane and bloody brilliant.

3. New release you haven't read yet but want to?
This will be very shocking and possibly blasphemous. I still have not read The Problem With Forever. I don't even know guys. There's an unread JLA book sitting on my shelf. I believe it's the sign of the Apocalypse.

4. Most anticipated release for the second part of the year?
Well based on my pre-orders I'd say too many. I guess Crooked Kingdom and Heartless are where my grabby hands are most intense.

5. Biggest disappointment?
Now, I didn't hate it, just Charged was pretty meh. *sad face* I hate not loving a favourite authors book. It's a terrible feeling.

6. Biggest surprise?
My immediate thought was The Naturals. I figured I'd like it. But it totally blew me away. And the series gets better and better. So good. Sooooo good.

7. Favourite new to you author?
There's two that I finally read from and then proceeded to binge a bunch of their books; Taylor Jenkins Reid and R.S. Grey.

8. Newest fictional crush?
Well there's Crosbie and Liam and Zeb. Who are all HOT but pale in comparison to Rhysand. Rhys is now my life. I plan to marry A Court of Mist and Fury.

9. Newest favourite character?
I have to go with two different gangs of characters. Rhys's inner court from ACOMAF because obviously. And all the kids from Some Kind of Perfect because(also) obviously.

10. Book that made you cry?
A few made tear up. Nothing comes close to Half Lost. It was an ugly cry of epic proportions. In fact
I'm still not over that book.

11. Book that made you happy?
Quite a few really. US and Undecided are the stand outs though. Mostly because I can't go a few days without re-reading my favourite parts.

12. Favourite book to movie adaptation?
No question, Me Before You. Spot on in every way. One of the best adaptations I've seen.

13. Favourite review you've written this year?
Goes hand and hand with my favourite book. Although I'd say review is to be used loosely. It's more like fangirl freak out. My review for A Court of Mist and Fury can be found here.

14. Most beautiful book you've received so far this year?
It may not have my favourite inside, but there's no denying that The Raven King is gorgeous. The covers for the whole series are things of beauty. I want them on my wall.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
How long do you have? Cause I want to read them all. ARC's always take priority; I got quite a few of them to get through. I also want to finish Jane Eyre; which I've (very) slowly been reading this year. There's quite a few series I need to finish off; Their Fractured Light, Monument 14: Savage Drift, Monsters of Men, The Seven Realms series. Let's just say I got my hands full. 

What's your favourite book from the first half of the year?

Happy reading!

