Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Review: Pucked Over by Helena Hunting

Pucked Over by Helena Hunting

Publisher: Helena Hunting
Publication Date: January 24th, 2016
Series: Pucked #3
Pages: 261
Source: Author **I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review**
Rating: 4.5/5
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Lily LeBlanc isn’t versed in the art of casual sex, but after seven years in an on-again, off-again relationship, she’s definitely willing to give it a shot. And who better to try it with than her best friend’s boyfriend’s best friend? What could possibly go wrong? Nothing at all.

NHL player, Randy Ballistic, lives up to his last name on the ice and in the bedroom. His best friend and teammate has recently given up the puck bunnies and traded them in for a real girlfriend. And she just happens to have a seriously feisty, extra-hot best friend on the rebound. Randy’s more than happy to be Lily’s spring board back into the dating scene.

Casual sex is only casual until those pesky things called emotions get involved. Once that happens, someone’s bound to gets pucked over.

Going into Pucked Over I knew I was in for a good but rough time. Lily was anything but docile in the previous book. The girl clearly has some balls(I had to go there). And like I've witnessed in the previous two books, these hockey players need a feisty women to um, calm them down. Yea, let's go with that. Randy "Balls" Ballistic is one hot hockey player. He definitely likes the ladies; Puck bunnies got their own Facebook page for him and everything.

Randy's first encounter with Lily was one for the ages. That whole day of their first meeting was way like an extreme and intense game of hockey. But it definitely set a bar. Because neither is over it. Enter Pucked Over.

Hunting can truly write a romcom. Well a much more dirtier version of the romcom. Nothing can beat the ridiculousness that is Violet in Pucked. But still, the situations, conversations and sexual encounters these characters have are gold. The shit they say(mostly Randy) to each during sex, before sex, after sex, over the phone, whenever sex is involved(90% of the time) is nothing but hilarious. How Hunting comes up with all this hilarious filth is beyond me. But I love her for it.

Homegirl also had me feeling super nostalgic and just happy. Lily is Canadian and a good portion of this book takes place not to far from where I live. And no it's not Toronto. Which would be the obvious choice. Nope, Hunting sets it in her hometown, which just makes it that more awesome to me. It's not often I get to read about my own backyard, somewhere I can pinpoint a lot of locations right on a map. I really felt like that enhanced my reading experience.

Characters are of course so well likable. Even though this is not a serious book, I hit a bit of higher emotional level with Lily because of her losing her dream in a sport. It hit home. But otherwise, the girl was feisty, snarky and kind of adorable. The whole thinking casual sex will be no problem is obviously going to be an epic fail from the start between these two. Emotions were already involved from the get go, but we'll just pretend that not to be true. Or so they do... Randy is that charming yet kind of goofy in a hot way guy(might also be because he's a built hockey player). He's seeing his teammates settling down, and subconsciously that's playing a part when Lily bursts into his life. Randy has some lingering hang-ups that cloud his perception on relationships. So although what him and Lily start is a relationship sans definition, he fails to see it as that. Behind their dirty moments, there are the sweet ones. I actually find Pucked Over to have to more adorable romance of the three books, thus far. 

I've been saying for a few years now that Hunting is favourite author of mine. She can go from some heavy romance in the Clipped Wings books to something light, sexy and hilarious with this series. I've done my job as a book pusher in the past, and I'm certainly still doing it now; I highly recommend checking out Pucked Over(or Pucked if you need to still start the series) for a really funny yet sexy book that will make you want to watch no matter your current stance on it.

Book 1 ON SALE

Book 2 ON SALE
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Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She’s putting her degree in English Lit to good use by writing contemporary erotic romance. She is the author of Clipped Wings, her debut novel, and Inked Armor.

Happy reading!

