Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Up January 2nd-8th

This week I managed to read seven books. Five of them e-books(two being e-ARC's). The other two being physical books; one being a re-read and the other an ARC.

Tied to Trouble(Gamers #3) by Megan Erickson ***
You guys know my more recent love of M/M romance; so when I came across this on Netgalley I had to request it. Especially since I've read from Erickson before and enjoyed that book. Now this is hate to love/bad boy falls for nerdy boy love story. Which I'm all for. Honestly I'm to biased when it comes to romance tropes. The story was cute with some sweet and tender moments between Chad and Owen. But it was also more on the cheesy side in the writing and especially the dialogue. I can overlook that. My main problem was that this is more a novella at not even 200 pages. So it's hard to really believe in a relationship, get invested in it when you hardly get to know the characters. That being said I can could still feel the intense attraction that Chad and Owen feel towards each other. I just with it was a little longer.

The Deal(Off-Campus #1) by Elle Kennedy ****.75
Yes, yes, I know I'm late to the party for this well loved book/series. Especially after I read and absolutely loved Him last year(one of my favourite books of 2015). But I've done and now can agree with everyone else, The Deal is awesome. Hannah and Garrett have a fantastic relationship. First off the build-up is so good. But more importantly the banter and teasing is on point. But also their friendship with the strong sexual tension is super believable. Elle Kennedy's writing is snappy with the dual POV's. Add in it's an essentially sports romance, which I LOVE. So I was in love from page one. I did have a few small qualms that held me off from giving it a five star; Hannah was raped when she was younger and although I thought the subject was handled fine, it's the way she referred to it as "the rape". For some reason that didn't sit right with me. Also for most of the story I was really impressed with maturity between Hannah and Garrett and how they would actually talk out their problems. Which makes me happy. And than the book is close to being done and that unnecessary break-up and secret keeping happens. Why?! It didn't need to happen. Sigh. But neither of those things takes away for my love of this book. It's just so good.

The Mistake(Off-Campus #2) by Elle Kennedy ****.5
Obviously I had to move right onto The Mistake after adoring The Deal. It's hard to imagine that there is any new romance dynamics or tropes that haven't been written about. So obviously I continue to read many of the same ones. And I know the tropes that I don't like and won't read. So with all the sameness out there it's the authors job to stand out with how they write that trope and their characters. And clearly Elle Kennedy is a great story teller. Her writing draws you in but her characters capture your attention. Yes this is a player and virgin story, but it's more. Logan and Grace are fun and spunky. They're meeting is more than accidental but clearly it leaves a mark as Logan can't stay away from Grace. I really enjoyed watching them interact, whether it was arguing, hanging out or getting sexy, all was a good time for me.

Stay With Me(Wait For You #3) by Jennifer L Armentrout *****(re-read)
It's really hard for me to go a few months without revisiting this book. Jax is perfect. And I love Calla. I've read this five times(and that doesn't include whenever I re-read my favourite pages) in less than a year and a half.

Built(Saints of Denver #1) by Jay Crownover *****
Review to come.

Pucked Over(Pucked #3) by Helena Hunting ****.5
Review to come.

Firsts by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn ***
Review to come.

What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!

