Saturday, January 2, 2016

Weekly Wrap-Up December 12th-January 1st

Again I'm wrapping up a few weeks here. It is what it is. I read ten books. Five physical books; four of those being graphic novels. Four e-books; three being e-ARC's and one a novella. And than one audio.

In Real Life by Cory Doctorow & Jen Wang ****
This story within is nothing new; being careful on the internet. But it's still a good story. The characters are real and the message Anda learns is an important one for everyone not just teens. Plus I thoroughly enjoyed the art style.

Thicker Than Water by Brigid Kemmerer ****
Review to come.

Ms Marvel Vol 2, 3 & 4 ****
The Ms Marvel graphic novels are my first foray into the Marvel comics world. And because they're so good they've spawned my interest to breach out even farther. Ms Marvel is not only great because of the kick-ass MC, Kamala, but because of the awesome diversity. The story is going in a good and fun way. The writing doesn't blow me away. At points it's a little juvenile. But I can easily overlook that because I'm enjoying the comics so much.

It Was Always You(Gaming the System #7) by Brenna Aubrey ***
There's not much I can say about such a short novella. It's a cute in love with the brother's best friend story.

This is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp ****
Review to come.

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon ****.5
The hype surrounding the pre-release of this book was insane, but after finally reading it I can whole heartily agree. There is no way to not read this one in a sitting. I know it's not a long book, but the story immerses with it's story and different format. Madeline is a great MC. For being so sheltered you'd think she would be on the weird side. But she's not. She's smart, nerdy and much more aware than her atmosphere and upbringing should allow her to be. Olly had the mysterious vibe(but so sweet and a bit devious). Especially with his family situation. And I was kind of scared of where Yoon might take his character. There was definitely a surprise I did not see coming. Total through me. The only reason I couldn't give Everything Everything a five star is because I needed more. Like seriously give us like twenty more pages and I would have been much more complete.

Landline by Rainbow Rowell ****
Although this is my least favourite Rowell book, I still enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I did start this book last year when it came out but didn't get very far because of boredom. So I finally went the audio route and that was probably the smartest decision. I couldn't connect with Georgie or Neil, and that really has to do with how different my life situation is from them. But I still love how Rowell is able to dissect marriage and love is so many different ways. She is such a brilliant lady. Rowell's books are also subtly humorous with quirky characters and writing. So Landline is no different there. There's a reason she's a favourite author of mine.

Night Study(Study #5, Soulfinder #2) by Maria V Snyder ****.5
Review to come.

Here's a handful of my Instagram pictures from the last three weeks.

A photo posted by Brittany (@britsreadinglife) on

What did you guys read this week?

Happy reading!

